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How to Exchange old Rs.500 & Rs.1000 Notes?

How to Exchange old Rs.500 & Rs.1000 Notes | PM Modi’s Revolutionary Movement towards Black Money | All Rs.500 & Rs.1000 Noted will not be Legal

A revolutionary news coming in from the Speech of Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi which began at 8 PM today. This is totally to stop & block the black money. Rs.500 & Rs.1000 notes will become completely invalid from 9th November midnight onwards.


How to Exchange old Rs.500 & Rs.1000 Notes?

  • If you have Rs.500 & Rs.1000 notes in your home, don’t worry visit your respective banks or head post office to get it exchanged by showing them an ID proof such as Aadhar Card etc.
  • The limit for this is however Rs 4000 upto November 24th.
  • Also there’ll be a limit on withdrawal of Rs 10,000 per day and Rs 20,000 per week.
  • There would be no restrictions of any kind on non-cash payments by cheques, demand drafts, debit or credit cards and electronic fund transfers.

You can get all your money exchanged by 30th December, 2016. The banks will be closed on November 9.


Benefits of this Move ?

1) Recovery of Black Money will be faster like never before
2) Real Estate Prices, Higher prices, healthcare to come within the reach of common citizens
3) Funding for arms smuggling, espionage, terrorists to be choked
4) Circulation of large volume of counterfeit currency to end

How the embeded NGC Technology Works?

The unique feature of the NGC is it dosent need any power source. It only acts as a signal reflector. When a Satellite sends a signal requesting location the NGC reflects back the signal from the location, giving precise location coordinates, and the serial number of the currency back to the satellite, this way every NGC embedded currency can be easily tracked & located even if it is kept 120 meters below ground level. The NGC cant be tampered with or removed without damaging the currency note

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